AMC Business
We have been assisting Asset Management Company's (AMCs) in Thailand for almost 20 years, covering a wide scope of services and industries.
Baker Tilly Corporate Advisory is the leading NPL advisory firm in Thailand, having long-term relationships with all active AMCs in Thailand as well as SE Asia. These AMCs are the principal investors in NPL portfolio sales in the region.
Whilst acting for NPL single debts and portfolios sellers we liaise with AMCs looking to bid on these assets. On many occasions we prepare the due diligence summary on behalf of sellers to help AMC buyers understand the debts on offer
We have also used our expertise to:
- Assist AMCs in conducting feasibility studies when looking to establish their AMC business. This includes complete advice on the current NPL market, NPL pricing, acquisition and management.
- Assist AMCs with any mergers and acquisitions, specifically providing financial due diligence and valuations.
Liaise daily with AMCs regarding upcoming sales; market conditions; and issues that will have a significant impact on any acquisitions