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Merger and Acquisition Integration Support (pre and post)

During acquisitions the differences in corporate cultures and risks in terms of human resources are not identified during the initial due diligence. Different companies possess different working cultures (organizational and ethnic). It is important to not only understand these, but identify and develop a common platform to work together.

Pre-acquisition, personnel are left with feelings of uncertainty within their role and the ‘real’ objectives of the parent company. The misperception and lack of communication often leads to drops in productivity and staff looking for other opportunities.

Post-acquisition, the problem exacerbates and further decrease in motivation and drops in performance and production due to uncertainty continues. New roles, new reporting lines, employee benefits, welfare, redundancies and are all common themes and are highly detrimental if not managed appropriately.

Our focus on Merger and Acquisition Integration Support encapsulates both the pre and post-acquisition event. Managing risks in both phases ensures continued productivity and avoids critical losses of key personnel/intellectual property. 


Contact Us

Shaun Wong
Partner - BTCS
T:+66 2679 5400

Yundyong Thantiviramanon
Managing Partner - BTCS
T:+66 2679 5400